
Dallas City Wire

Monday, March 10, 2025

Announcing the 2022 Projects for Peace


Projects for Peace is pleased to announce its 2022 cohort of grantees. One hundred and twenty-nine projects from 85 partner institutions were selected. The student leaders of each project will receive $10,000 in funds to pursue innovative, community-centered, and scalable responses to the world’s most pressing issues. Most projects will be implemented between June and September this year.

Refugee services, social division and cohesion, human rights, health and well-being, economic development, and access to equitable education are among the diverse issue areas grantees identified this year as critical to a more peaceful world. Interventions take the form of community-building events, skill-building workshops, information campaigns, art and design activities, innovative uses of technology, and documentary film-making, among others.

Since its founding in 2007, Projects for Peace has funded more than 1950 projects. Projects are nominated by partner colleges and universities, often working from criteria specific to their institution’s priorities. Projects may take place anywhere in the world and may be led by an individual or by a group of students. This summer Projects for Peace will take place in more than 63 countries and 8 different U.S. states.

Projects for Peace was founded by Kathryn W. Davis, who celebrated her 100th birthday by supporting 100 Projects for Peace, designed “to bring about a mind-set of preparing for peace, instead of preparing for war.” In 2022 the administrative headquarters of the program moved from the Davis United World College Scholars Program, which had hosted the program for 15 years, to Middlebury College’s Center for Community Engagement. 

Below, please find a complete list of the nominating institutions, grantees, and project titles. Join us in congratulating the remarkable student leaders who have chosen to commit their summer to the cause of peace.

2022 Projects for Peace

InstitutionProject LeadProject Name

Amherst CollegeSage InnerarityK-12 Miwok Educational Modules
Bard CollegeElisabeth SundbergTracing The Turnrow Web: Appalachian Rising
Barnard CollegeEli DuncanGelsenkirchen Healing Complex
Bates CollegeHer VangPeace Through Books and Health
Bennington CollegeAhwar SultanRed, Green, and Blue: Migrant Labor in the Face of Climate Change in Maharashtra
Bennington CollegeElene CharkvianiElderly Home Care Service Website Amagi for the Republic of Georgia
Bowdoin CollegeBojana DrčaZa Vazduh, Vodu, i Zemlju (For Air, Water, and Land)
Bowdoin CollegeUsira AliTowards a Safer Future: Ending FGM/C with Our Mothers
Brandeis UniversitySienna BucuWe Are Here: Engaging in Art for Resilience and Reclamation of Space
Brown UniversityAlexandra Ali MartínezBorderlands Community Learning School/ Escuelita Communitaria : The Effects of U.S. Immigration Policies on Experiences of Migrant Children at the San Diego – Tijuana Borderla
Bryn Mawr CollegeMinolta NdlovuYAKHA (means Build in Ndebele)
Bucknell UniversityKimseang AmKnowledge at your fingertips
Carleton CollegeGeorgie MukeshimanaEmpowering Women through a Recreational Center
Claremont McKenna CollegeAlessandra VillalonFinance Further Workshops: Promoting Financial Literacy in the Philippines
Clark UniversityIlaria FiorenzaPintag Amaru:: Reconnecting Youth with Indigenous Stories through Arts-based Pedagogies Ecuador
Colby CollegeErica LeeFlippED Mentorship Program (Formerly Known As ERIDANUS)
Colby CollegeLinh DinhTransforming rural areas in Vietnam through waste management
Colgate UniversityAni ArzoumanianEpidemiology of Ambulance Calls in Rural Armenia
Colgate UniversityLucy LanganIndigenous Resistance in Upstate New York: An Anti-Colonial Field Trip Guide
College of IdahoSuely C. SoeiroShe codes for peace – girl empowerment through coding
College of the AtlanticTaibatou AdamouEmpower Women Entrepreneurs for Peace in Niger
Colorado CollegeFer Juárez DuranMoving the Needle: Conversations About Firearm Safety and Suicide Prevention
Columbia UniversityIlina LoganiAffinity, Advocacy, Activism: Spokane Youth of Color Coalition
Connecticut CollegeOlivia LooAddressing Anti-Asian Racism Perpetuated by the Coronavirus Pandemic Through Children’s Literature Programming
Cornell UniversityAndrew PhiriThe Hillz Project: Improving The Quality Of Education Through Developing A Reading Culture And Computer Literacy at Chilukusha Primary School
Dartmouth CollegeAadhya KochaThe impact of evolving technology in maintaining socialized cultural learning
Davidson CollegeFrankline Edong’aAmani Youth Project
Davidson CollegeKimberley Tanatswa MuchenjeInspiring a generation of biotechnologists to combat the healthcare crisis and food insecurity in Zimbabwe
Denison UniversityJoan Do-TruongBuilding Safe Communities: Empowering Young Asian American Women as Agents of Social Change
Earlham CollegeFeven NabaTechiyalesh Initiative - Promoting Peace by Empowering Women in STEM Fields
Earlham CollegeWisdom BoindeMaaroŋ Initiative – National Peacebuilding with Education
Furman UniversityLia PawBuilding Intercultural Peace in Greenville
Future Generations UniversityHari BasnetWorking towards peaceful co-existence of humans and wildlife
George Washington UniversityEmily ZhangSupporting Children of Incarcerated Parents and their Families with Children’s Storybooks
Georgetown UniversityElena SapelyukPeace Books / «Книги Миру
Georgetown UniversityJaneeta ShaukatRead Aloud with Kashmir
Gettysburg CollegeSokuntheary HeangPeacebuilding through Empowerment, Computer Literacy, and Khmer Rouge Education
Graduate Institute of International Studies/GenevaLillian RobbClimate Change Adaptation and Human Movement in Western Australia: Partnering with Indigenous Australians Through Visual and Legal Mediums
Hamilton CollegeAdam ValenciaA Disarrayed Network: Coding Help and Resources for BIPOC Technologists
Harvard CollegeNosher Ali KhanMoving mountains with music
Hood CollegeJonathan MusubaoFight Poverty, Empower Rural Women in the Democratic Republic of Congo
International HouseAna VasquezPuntos Solidarios: On Our Way to Sustainability
International HouseAneeza PervezCelebrating Diversity: Mitigating Conflict with Kindness
International HouseAstitva JindalHumsafar (We are Together)
International HouseCarlos Amat CasasTeaching how to teach: Education to bring light to Honduras
International HouseCésar Leonardo Rojas ÁngelDocumentaries for reconciliation
International HouseDaniel MansourThe Lisbon Project
International HouseDifan ZhaoDocumentary Film - Elderly Chinese Immigrants in New York
International HouseElina GeorgiouBi-Communal Musical Dialouges for Peace
International HouseFabio Michel HannaStop Cyberbulling Now
International HouseHercules Singh MundaPeacebuilding among Soo speakers through conservation of their Linguistic and Cultural Identity
International HouseKuanyi ShenMarry for Love, not for Domestic Violence
International HouseLineo Matlakala (Makhosi Ntsalong)Ending Gangsterism in Lesotho
International HouseMillicent BartyA Dami Guide to Democracy
International HouseMolly NantongoNtongo Skills4Peace: The light in the lives of youth in Ntawo
International HouseNikita BurzanitsaNurturing peace through music for war-affected children in Donetsk, Ukraine
International HousePaola Nogales AscarrunzRestore Peace with Nature
International HousePeng Guan, Kyaw TunPeace and Myanmar’s Civil War: A Social Media Campaign
International HouseRam Itani, Sujan ShresthaCommunity Center to Empower the Youths of Rural Nepal
International HouseYuxi (Jocelyn) LiuBridging Divides Through Peace Education and Art Integration
International HouseAriel PosnerDavis to Ukrainian Crisis
Ithaca CollegeKhangelani MhlangaProject Imbizo: Preserving Zimbabwean Cultures
Kalamazoo CollegeDarsalam AmirHuman’s Right to Water
Lake Forest CollegeAmanda GrasselFighting the Stigma: Parkinson’s Disease
Lewis & Clark CollegeJosé Manuel Maidana CejasIMPACT.AR: Social Change, Community, and Resilience
Luther CollegeJunita SangareEmpowering Young Women Through Sexual Reproductive Health Education
Macalester CollegeAlice BrunoSilicia conSenso: Making Peace with Our Bodies by Teaching Consent
Macalester CollegeYosan WorotaFere (Seed) Project: Expanding Educational Access
Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyMohamed MohamedCitizenTent: Empowering Bedouin Community with Digital Citizenship
Methodist UniversityMary AkokoComputer Literacy in Northern Uganda
Middlebury CollegeKevin Ntoni<code_gh>
Middlebury CollegeNhi DangBridging the Gap: Rural Education in Vietnam
Middlebury Institute of International StudiesFemi HigginsFostering Ethnic and Ethical Relationships (FREE) program
Middlebury Institute of International StudiesMohamed AhmedPeace Story
New York UniversitySarah JohnArt & Agency
New York UniversityZara GoundenClean Water and Sanitation at the Heart of Europe’s Migrant Crisis
Northwestern UniversityEdwin PokisaAmani ya Yaaku (Peace for the Yaaku)
Oberlin CollegeOsama AbdelrahmanTEDxYouth@ABIS
Occidental CollegeTzu Kit ChanImpact Squared [i²]
Pitzer CollegeKyle GreenspanLinking the Chain of Upward Mobility: Reducing Political Conflict in Thailand by Teaching Students How to Read Thai
Pomona CollegeValentina LibermanCultural Summer: Gaining Entrepreneurship & Professional Skills
Princeton UniversityChioma UgnowaliA Celebration of Life as Resistance to Environmental Racism: Roots Community Festival
Princeton UniversityGustavo Blanco QuirogaChacha emprende project
Randolph-Macon CollegeRithanya SaravananReducing Stress and Conflicts through Stress Relief Art Nooks and Art Classes.
Reed CollegeAnoushka GoenkaThe “Poshan” Project
Ringling College of Art + DesignSam Siso HusseinPeace Initiative Project
Sarah Lawrence CollegeArchie Villiers IngramGrabGrants.com: The Free Grant Search Engine
Savannah College of Art & DesignJavier Chau ChangPedal Power Empowering Rural Communities in Guatemala
Savannah College of Art & DesignMarialejandra Quevedo“Conecta Marap”: Driving Sustainable Development through Connection
School of the Art Institute of ChicagoAmeya Marie OkamotoAsian America, Fractured Identities and Finding Belonging in Service Work
Scripps CollegeSarah MeadowsCreating Greater Opportunities for Accessibility, Teamwork, and Sustainability (GOATS) In a Rural Northern California Community
Skidmore CollegeNovilhelha MoleniCreative Solutions for Sustainable Designs
Skidmore CollegeNtsetselelo DlaminiReimagining STEM Education in Eswatini
Smith CollegeAmrita AcharyaCo-designing Public Space for the Unhoused with Manna Community Center
Smith CollegeJuliana MakoniseDigital Storytelling for Social ChangeProject Dates: 13 June 2022 –12 August 2022
St. John’s CollegeElena HochheiserThe Youth Peace Collective: Building Bridges from the U.S. to Israel-Palestine
St. Lawrence UniversityThao NguyenBooks for Peace
St. Lawrence UniversityZhuoer LiEmpowering Social Actions: Peace Through the Synergy of Football and Dialogue
St. Olaf CollegeCristian A. Fernandez ChaguendoPeacebuilding in a Troubled Land: Developing a Robust Peace Education Program in Colombia’s Northern Cauca Region
Swarthmore CollegeSajid KamalOnline Freelancing: Eliminating Poverty in Bangladesh
Trinity CollegeDaniel SantosProyecto Turpial: Diasporic Youth Encounters
Trinity CollegeSuzanne Carpe EliasMental Health Training for Peace: Building an Online Platform to Educate Families of Mental Health Patients in El Salvador
Tufts UniversityLeanne LooInterpretation and Translation for Language Justice
Union CollegeAbylay AitkazyLanguage for Peace
Union CollegeDelvin Takudzwa MarimoInclusive Education
University of CA BerkeleyPaulina TarrCultivating Peace and Community in West Oakland
University of ChicagoMadeline (Indigo) WrightAbundans: Afrofuturist Visions of a Liberatory Future
University of FloridaOsama ElbashirAlgorer Rural Education STEM Initiative
University of FloridaTeagan MilfordNurturing Nutrition in Nairobi
University of MichiganAthera YakooLighting Up the Streets of Nineveh, Alqosh Sub-district, Iraq
University of North Carolina at Chapel HillAimee YanVisibility Forward: Addressing Anti-AAPI Violence through Culturally Representative Education
University of OklahomaIbrahim KondehEducation fɔ Wi ɔl (Education for Everyone)
University of PennsylvaniaYasmin Abdul RazakThe Jendela Project: Community Integration & English Immersion for Rohingya Refugees
University of RichmondAmara UgochukwuThe Imu Ahia Project
University of RochesterSouleymane DialloStronger Together Initiative: A Three Steps Approach to Heal the Hearts, Empower Women & Youths, and Unite Guinea
Vassar CollegeChristopher UnruhIsland Migrant Rights Initiative
Vassar CollegeJoram BosireMaji safi, elimu bora: clean water for a better education
Wartburg CollegeSoniya Sanam TamangDAVIS Community Shower.
Wellesley CollegeLaila PearsonBuilding a Sustainable Future
Wesleyan UniversityAlice Ghislane MusabeHealing Through Poetry By Us
Wesleyan UniversityDiana KimojinoNailepu Girls’ Empowerment
Westminster CollegeFildaross SwaiNourished Minds
Wheaton CollegeChogyal NorbuLungtenphu Community Center: Advancing the lives of youth in a Military Camp
Whitman CollegeJoy Nina NampasoThe Fight Against Female Genital Mutilation in the Maasai Tribe
Whitman CollegeStacy MwangiTwaleta Mwasoma Literacy Project.
Williams CollegeChander PayneUrban Beet– “Connecting People and the Planet for the Healing of Both”
Williams CollegeHimal Raj Pandey“Project Sapana (Dream)”- Digital education and socioeconomic mobility in rural Nepal: Educational bootcamp for underrepresented school students with apprenticeship-based job market exposure
Worcester Polytechnic InstituteMartin Thulani MilanziEducation Meheba: Experiential STEM and Tertiary Education Support for Refugee Children in Meheba Refugee Settlement, Zambia
Yale UniversityNicole LiInvesting in the Next Generation of Southern Changemakers